Invader Zim entered the world as the black sheep amongst a generation of Nickelodeon cartoons, with its absurd and unique humor. Invader Zim was not only overlooked by studio executives, but also the Nickelodeon audience! Here at Channel Frederator were answering that question all Zim fans ask, What ever happened to Invader Zim?\r
What show should we cover next on What Ever Happened To.\r
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Written by: Nicholas Fung\r
Hosted by: Nicholas Fung\r
Edited by: Nicholas Fung\r
Graphics by: Nicholas Fung\r
Title Music:\r
ES_Above And Beyond 1 - Jack Elphick\r
Music Provided by Audio Micro:\r
ES_Holy Scripture - Martin Klem\r
ES_Dawn Chorus 1 - Jack Elphick\r
ES_Particle Emission 3 - Patrik Almkvisth\r
ES_Linda Low - Anders Ekengren\r
ES_Space Rock - Anders Bothén\r
ES_Harry B Happy - Anders Bothén\r
ES_Takk 1 - Niklas Ahlström\r
ES_Invasion 5 - Fredrik Ekstrom\r
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Remember: Frederator loves you.\r
Image Source List\r